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  2. Genba no Nihongo Kisohen - Edição Japonesa ゲンバの日本語 基礎編 働く外国人のための日本語コミュニケーション

Genba no Nihongo Kisohen - Edição Japonesa ゲンバの日本語 基礎編 働く外国人のための日本語コミュニケーション

(Cód. item 9784883198757) 3 em estoque | Outros produtos 3A NETWORK

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Resumo sobre o livro:
Genba no Nihongo Kisohen "Japonês no Local de Trabalho - Básico" é um livro para estudantes inicantes desenvolverem suas competências de comunicação para o mercado de trabalho japonês. Relacionado com o livro Minna no Nihongo Básico I (Livro Texto, 2ª Edição).

Descrição original da editora, em inglês:

The Genba no Nihongo series is a series of books that enables even beginner-level Japanese learners to study the Japanese required for use at worksites as well as the cultural knowledge and abilities needed to work for a Japanese company. “Genba” here implies the frontline of a job in various types of workplaces where foreigners and Japanese need to communicate, particularly in the manufacturing and IT industries.

In this book, each unit covers a situation, such as sharing a schedule or reporting a problem, that the learner will face in the workplace. Through the learner watching/listening video/audio content, he/she can realistically imagine what is happening and perform “tasks” that match the situation. In this way, he/she will acquire not only the vocabulary and expressions used in such situations, but also the sort of behavior required by Japanese companies.

The series is divided into two books: Basic Edition (Levels 1 and 2) and Advanced Edition (Level 3), and while the language activities and theme of each unit is the same, the vocabulary and sentence patterns used differ depending on the level. The vocabulary and sentence patterns used at each level correspond to the levels in Minna no Nihongo Shokyu. This is a teaching material that allows working foreigners who have difficulty in securing time to learn Japanese to effectively acquire the Japanese proficiency needed for their work.

Aimed at: Beginner learners working or wishing to work in Japan
Level: Beginner
Level 1: Roughly at the level of Lesson 13 of Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I
Level 2: Roughly at the level of Lesson 25 of Minna no Nihongo Shokyu II
Structure: 10 Units (+ Script and Answer Booklet)
Orthography: Kanji with kana readings (Level 1 has some romanization)
Translations: English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai and Indonesian

Free Web Study Materials
・Video and audio content
・Word list: A list of unlearned vocabulary and expressions for each level, with translation into five languages (English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai and Indonesian)
・Teacher’s Guide: The aim of the unit, how to proceed with the task, points to keep in mind, etc., are summarized for each unit.



本シリーズは、『基礎編』(レベル1、2)と『応用編』(レベル3)に分かれており、各ユニットのテーマとなる言語活動は同じですが、レベルによって使用する語彙や文型が異なります。各レベルの使用語彙、文型は『みんなの日本語 初級』に対応しています。

対 象:日本で就労している、または就労を希望している初級学習者
    レベル1『みんなの日本語 初級Ⅰ』第13課終了程度
    レベル2『みんなの日本語 初級Ⅰ』第25課終了程度
構 成:〔本冊〕全10ユニット
表 記:漢字かな混じり 総ルビ(レベル1は一部ローマ字付き)
翻 訳:英語、中国語、ベトナム語、タイ語、インドネシア語


ユニット1 標示の意味を調べる 
ユニット2 ルールやマナーの説明を聞く 
ユニット3 災害時のアナウンスを聞く 
ユニット4 工場見学の説明を聞く 
ユニット5 予定や指示を聞く 
ユニット6 予定を共有する 
ユニット7 予定を確認する 
ユニット8 使い方について質問する 
ユニット9 体調不良を伝える 
ユニット10 遅刻の連絡をする

別冊 スクリプト

Clique aqui para visualizar informações, amostra e materiais do livro no site da editora

Título Original:

ゲンバの日本語 基礎編 働く外国人のための日本語コミュニケーション
Genba no Nihongo Kisohen Hataraku Gaikokujin no Tame no Nihongo Komyunikeshon

Textos em japonês (na maioria com furiganas), romaji e algumas instruções em inglês, chinês simplificado, taiwanês, indonésio e vietnamita.

Dados do Produto:
ISBN: 9784883198757
Autor/Artista: 3A Network
Idioma: Japonês
Editora: 3A Network
Coleção: Minna no Nihongo
2ª Edição: Março de 2021
Tipo: Livro
Capa: Brochura com Sobrecapa
Formato: 18,5 x 26cm, 72 + 39 páginas

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